What Key Combination Generates A Backspace Character

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  1. Backspace Key Not Working
  2. What Key Combination Generates A Backspace Character In Word
  3. What Key Combination Generates A Backspace Character List

ALT+NUMPAD ASCII Key Combos: The α and Ω of Creating Obscure Passwords. As some Microsoft Operating System geeks know, you can type many more characters than are on a standard keyboard by using the ALT+NUMPAD combination technique. For example, by holding down the ALT key, t. The shell command to change key bindings is bindkey, Backspace presumably sends byte 127 (^?; check by typing Ctrl+V then Backspace), and the edition command to delete a character backwards is backward-delete-char. Practice and review your knowledge of the Operational Keys! Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

Backspace Key Not Working

The key combinations plugin allows simulation of simultaneous key presses, i.e. key combinations.Typical examples are 'ctrl+c', 'ctrl+v' or 'shift+a'.

Press the Alt key, and hold it down. While the Alt key is pressed, type the sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) from the Alt code in the above table. Release the Alt key, and the character will appear. Linux generates accented characters using special dead keys; these are keys which are pressed in combination with character keys to generate accented forms of those characters. You can identify which specific dead key was used (if more than one exists) by examining the KeyboardEvent 's associated compositionupdate event's data property. One can probably do the same kind of things for other text terminals. In a text terminal, whereas some key combinations yield specific escape sequences, this is not the case of Ctrl + BackSpace, which typically yields the character of code 8, exactly like the Ctrl + H combination.

The plugin simulates the key events for the combination and even inserts the characters into elementswhere appropriate (e.g. when the combo is 'shift+a', it inserts an A).

Note: The insertion of characters works on all elements (not only on input and textarea elements).In case of elements other than input and textarea, the insertion will change the content of theelement using the textContent or innerText property.

Note: The key-combo plugin requires the key-sequence plugin and bililiteRange.js (can be found in the libs folder of this repository).

Table of Contents


The .simulate() type parameter to simulate key combinations is 'key-combo': .simulate('key-combo', options)



  • combo{String}: A string describing the combination to be simulated. See belowfor a description of the syntax of the combo string.
  • eventsOnly{Boolean}: Defines whether the characters shall be inserted into the element. If true,the characters will not be inserted into the element and the plugin will only simulate the eventsfor the key presses. Default: false

Combo Syntax

The syntax of the combo string is simple: the keys to be pressed are concatenated with plus characters (+)in between. The key presses are simulated in the order they appear within the string.For example: 'ctrl+alt+a+b+c'

There is no need to escape the plus character if you want to write a combo which includes the plus as a key.For example: 'ctrl++' is the syntax for the combo of control and plus.

The plugin is case-sensitive which means that the which property of the keypress events is differentfor lowercase characters (e.g.: 'a' gives a value of 97 while 'A' gives a value of 65). keydownand keyup events are not affected by the case-sensitivity, i.e. /windows-7-32-bit-key-generator.html. they always contain the keycode ofthe uppercase character. The only exception from this behavior is when the combo contains the 'shift'modifier. In that case, the which property always contains the charCode of the uppercase character.

As already seen in the examples above, the plugin supports some modifier keys:

  • 'ctrl' or 'control': Control key
  • 'alt': Alt key (or option key)
  • 'shift': Shift key
  • 'meta' or 'command': Command key on Apple keyboards

Since version 1.3.0, the plugin also supports some special keys:

  • the arrow keys:
    • 'left-arrow'
    • 'right-arrow'
    • 'up-arrow'
    • 'down-arrow'
  • the function keys: 'F1', .., 'F12'
  • other special keys:
    • 'enter'
    • 'tab' or 'tabulator'
    • 'esc' or 'escape'
    • 'backspace'
    • 'insert'
    • 'delete'
    • 'home'
    • 'end'
    • 'page-up'
    • 'page-down'

Tip: In contrast to 'normal' key, the modifier keys and the special keys are case insensitive anddashes can be replaced with underscores. Therefore, 'ctrl+left-arrow' is the same as'Ctrl+Left-Arrow' and 'CTRL+LEFT_ARROW' and so on.


The plugin generates the following events to simulate the key combination:

  1. It generates one keydown event for every key in the combo.
  2. If the key corresponding to the last keydown event is a printable character, the plugin generatesone keypress event for that key.
  3. It generates one keyup event for every key in the combo.

This simulated behavior differs from the native behavior that some browsers show. For example,InternetExplorer and Chrome do not generate keypress events for native key combos that contain thecontrol or alt (or meta?) modifier. However, unifying the event generation in the plugin makes theplugin easier to maintain and should generally not be a problem since it's just additional keypressevents that are generated.

Although the event generation partly differs from the native behavior, the values of the keyCode,charCode and which properties of the events should be equal to the corresponding values ofnative (i.e. non-simulated) events for all browsers.


The plugin generates the following events for the combo 'ctrl+alt+a+f':

What Key Combination Generates A Backspace Character In Word

InternetExplorer and Opera:


What Key Combination Generates A Backspace Character List

Chrome: Generate public private key from certificate.